Hokuho’okelewa’a Blessing

Cayuga Outrigger Canoe Club welcomed and then blessed our new canoe, Hokuho’okelewa’a, which is translated to a canoe’s guiding star, at a blessing on Friday July 17.

Lei on front of wa'aLei on the front of Hokuho’okelewa’a

IMG_3462Decorated Iakos

Linda served as the master of ceremonies and did an awesome job as well as Blair who made the offering while paddling the new wa’a.

The BlessingLinda performing blessing

This was also a monumental event for the COCC as more than 25 people attended the blessing, which when compared to our first blessing of A’no:wara showed how much our ohana has grown.

IMG_3488Placing Hokuho’okelewa’a into Cayuga Lake

Out for the offering
Paddling out to test Hokuho’okelewa’a and to make offering

Mahalo to all that participated in the blessing and the growth of the club.  It was inspiring to see us all come together and help in growing the club.

July 080Cayuga Outrigger Canoe Club Ohana