The Cayuga Outrigger Canoe Club traveled to Kent Island, Maryland to take part in the Kent Island Cup on the Chesapeake Bay. Arriving late Friday night the crew quickly set up tents and had a wonderful dinner at the Kent Island Yacht Club.

An early wake-up call had everyone paddle ready as the 35 mile race started about 7:30 am. The race was broken into 4 sections with one crew doing the first and third legs while the other crew picked up the even legs. Our crews had to drive from change out to change out hydrating and eating as we went. Conditions were reasonable but both canoes battled surface waves and strong tidal currents. We were all extremely hungry so the kaluha pork, mac salad and other delicious treats hit the spot at the luau.

We all tried to stay up and celebrate our success but sleep was much to enticing to ignore but we did manage to see a beautiful KI sunset

The next morning found us all headed in different directions but a small group of use hit a local diner called Holly’s that will become a Kent Island tradition. It also left us wondering……what is scrapple?

Thanks to everyone who made this trip a success especially our crew of paddlers, P.J.,Paul C., Nina, Blair, Felix, Dave, Charlene, Julie, Mike, Iori and our friend from Boston Outrigger, Carol. A special thanks goes out to the Kent Island Outrigger Canoe Club for allowing us to use their beautiful canoe.