Thanks to all the club members that came out to flip the boats last night. Getting closer to paddling season. Can’t wait to get on the water!!!! 🙂

On Cayuga Lake since 2008
We’re excited to announce the 2024 COCC board and coaches as well as the race directors for the Cayuga Lake Crossing:
President: Jorj (George) Buchholz
Vice President: Vacant
Treasurer: Anne Shakespeare
Secretary: Peter Rogers
Member-at-large: Kirsten Pike
Head Coach: Mike Cook
Assistant Coach: Susanna Pearce
Race Director: John Cheng
Race Director Elect: Anna Levina
The club has reelected our coaches for the 2023 season:
Coach – Mike Cook (contact: 607 227 4998 )
Steering Coach – Susanna Pearce
Safety & Swimming – Lori Brewer
The club met for our annual winter meeting and club elections for 2023. Thanks to outgoing board members, Liz Kluz and the Mitchell Family Unit (Alex, Patrick, and Matilda) for their service. Congratulations to this year’s board:
President – Beth Krause
Vice President – Nancy Gruen
Secretary – Anne Shakespeare
Co-Treasurer(s) – Liz Butler & John Cheng
Member at Large/Social Chair – Matthias Ulf Liepe
We have raised our annual membership dues in 2023 to $150. If you would like to join but are unable to afford the dues, please contact a board member. Cayuga Outrigger will be participating in the inaugural Ithaca Canoe Fest, May 7, 2023. Save the date!
Look for additional announcements soon about boat-rigging, practice sign-ups (when we begin at a date TBA). See everyone on the water soon!
We have a new boat! Thanks to the generosity and effort of our members, Cayuga Outrigger has a new addition to club’s fleet. We purchased a Mirage OC-6 from the Santa Barbara Outrigger Canoe Club, and KAS Transport, a specialty transport company based here in upstate New York, hauled it across the country. It arrived March 17 and will be ready to go when the club begins its paddling season. Watch for announcements about that!
Thanks to Zeming, Lori, Dave, Beth, Nancy, Mike, Susanna, and Scott (as well as Steve and his co-worker from KAS Transport) for showing up to unload it on a wet rainy day! Pictures are below.
The boat’s name is Kapolioka’ehukai, which means “Heart of the Sea” in Hawaiian. It was also the nickname of a well-known/legendary Hawaiian woman surfer, paddler, and activist, Rell “Kapolioka’ehukai” Sunn. If you’re interested, here’s a documentary made about her.
Cayuga Outrigger is excited to host the inaugural Cayuga Lake Crossing (CLX 2022) this Aug. 20-21 at Myers Park in Lansing. CLX 2022 will be two days of fun and paddling, with outrigger canoe (OC) and standup paddleboard (SUP) races at different distances and for folks of all levels and abilities. For more information about the race, including registration and camping, please visit our race website:
Cayuga Lake’s water temperature is currently around 40 degrees and is typically below 70 degrees for most of our paddling season. And although there is debate as to what is considered cold water, according to this site it’s anything below 70 degrees.
There can be serious consequences to an unexpected cold water immersion. Being prepared is key!
So, everyone’s invited to a Polar Plunge on Sunday, May 22. We’re meeting at the Merrill Family Sailing Center at 10am to field test thermal protection gear such as drysuits, wetsuits, neoprene etc., in addition to PFDs. If you don’t have cold water gear, come as you are to take a dip in the lake.
Not up for a polar plunge? Come out to watch. It’s sure to be entertaining!
The Sailing Center facilities will be available for people to shower and change afterwards. Bring snacks! Homemade cookies preferred. Anything will do.
The club met for our annual winter meeting and club elections for 2022. Thanks to outgoing board members, Peter Rogers and Paul Wiech. Congratulations to this year’s board and coaches:
President – Beth Krause
Vice President – Mitchell Family Unit (Alex, Patrick, and Matilda)
Secretary – Liz Kluz
Treasurer(s) – Liz Butler & John Cheng
Member at Large/Social Chair – Matthias Ulf Liepe (aka Large Person)
Coach – Mike Cook
Steering Coach – Susanna Pearce
Safety & Swimming – Lori Brewer
We are returning to our regular (pre-Covid-19) paddling schedule and annual membership dues. Look for announcements soon about boat-rigging, practice sign-ups (when we begin at a date TBA). See everyone on the water soon!
With the Daylight Savings Time beginning this weekend, we are approaching the end of the 2021 paddling season. Evening practices are done for the year, but we’ll continue Sunday morning paddles as long as conditions allow. As it gets colder, please remember to wear appropriate gear and clothing – no cotton! After November 1, all paddlers are required to wear PFDs. Come paddle while you still can this year!
With the return to paddling OC6s, we’ve had a terrific season with an all-time high number of members and many regular paddlers. Members paddled small craft and OC6s in races far and wide and the club sent a full crew to Ke Aloha’s annual circumnavigation of Manhattan. Cayuga Outrigger also helped organize and run the Cayuga Lake Cup (the renamed SUP Cup) in August, which we hope will become an annual event.
After Labor Day, as the sun sets earlier and earlier, we start evening practices a half hour earlier, at 5:30pm, to take advantage of available daylight.