The club met for our annual winter meeting and club elections for 2023. Thanks to outgoing board members, Liz Kluz and the Mitchell Family Unit (Alex, Patrick, and Matilda) for their service. Congratulations to this year’s board:
President – Beth Krause
Vice President – Nancy Gruen
Secretary – Anne Shakespeare
Co-Treasurer(s) – Liz Butler & John Cheng
Member at Large/Social Chair – Matthias Ulf Liepe
We have raised our annual membership dues in 2023 to $150. If you would like to join but are unable to afford the dues, please contact a board member. Cayuga Outrigger will be participating in the inaugural Ithaca Canoe Fest, May 7, 2023. Save the date!
Look for additional announcements soon about boat-rigging, practice sign-ups (when we begin at a date TBA). See everyone on the water soon!