OC6 paddling is back!

Cayuga Outrigger OC6s are back on the lake! Practices begin this Sunday, May 23 and will follow our regular schedule: Tuesday and Thursday evenings, 6pm – 8pm and Sunday mornings, 10am – 12pm (which will change to 9:30am – 11:30am when the weather gets warmer).

Please remember to fill out the Information and Membership and Liability Waiver (and Covid Consent) Forms for 2021 before you come to practice. Links to the forms are in the menu to the right.

See you on the water!

2021 paddling season

Because of the uncertainty of COVID-19, we will begin the season with small craft paddle sessions on Tuesday evenings. Sign up using the link above and/or to the right. We’ve also set up a paddling hotline text chain for spur-of-the-moment paddles. Email the board if you’d like to be added.

We hope to resume paddling OC6s this season, however, so check back for updates!

Cayuga Outrigger and SUP Cayuga are organizing the Cayuga Lake Cup, with SUP, OC1, OC2, and hopefully, OC6 races, later this summer, Aug. 13-15. For more information, go to the CLC website.

2021 Officers

The club met (virtually) for our annual winter meeting and club elections for 2021. Thanks to outgoing board members, Scott Freyburger and Paul Closs. Congratulations to this year’s board and coach:

President – John Cheng
Vice President – Peter Rogers
Secretary – Liz Kluz
Treasurer – Liz Butler
Member at Large – Paul Wiech

Coach – Mike Cook

Because of the uncertainty of COVID-19 and as a way to encourage paddlers to join the club, membership dues, which include access to Merrill Sailing Center, will be $50 for the year.

Officers for 2020

The club met for a winter / spring meeting and club elections for 2020. Thanks to outgoing board members, Nancy Gruen and Susanna Pearce. Congratulations to this year’s board and coach:

President – John Cheng
Vice President – Peter Rogers
Secretary – Scott Freyburger
Treasurer – Liz Butler
Member at Large – Paul Closs

Coach – Mike Cook

New Officers for 2019 Season

The club met for a winter / spring meeting and club elections for 2019. Congratulations and thank you to:

President – John Cheng
Vice President – Paul Closs
Secretary – Scott Freyburger
Treasurer – Nancy Gruen
Member at Large – Susanna Pearce

Please join us for our canoe rigging on April 21, 12pm-4pm or sign up for practices beginning Tuesday, April 23. We are ready for a great season!

Check out the sign-ups on the right hand side of the page.

The 2019 season!

The 2019 Cayuga Outrigger Canoe Club season kicks off with our rigging session on Sunday, April 21 (12pm-4pm) and first practice on Tuesday, April 23 (6-8pm). Meet at East Shore Park / Cornell Sailing Center fifteen minutes before practice, so we can hit the water on time.

To join in 2019:

  1. Complete the online registration form.
  2. Bring your payment (cash or check) to a club practice. Any of the club officers, John, Paul Closs, Scott, Nancy, or Susanna, will collect payments.
  3. Review the handbook.
  4. Sign up for practices.